Saturday, December 26, 2009

Aries Compatibility

Aries and Aries: You are both like piranha’s, and will probably end up killing eachother. You two are way too alike to get along. Since the female Aries likes to be the dominating one, this will highly disagree with the male Aries urge to be the king of the universe. You are both screwed.

Aries and Taurus: The only good thing about this is the sex. As a couple, you two blow. Unless you want to have a lover for ten years, this is the biggest mistake of your life.

Aries and Gemini: This could work since you’re both freaks. You both don’t want to settle down, and enjoy your sexual freedom. This alone will bring you close together. The only challenge here is that Aries likes to be in control, and may try to maneuver the sporadic Gemini.

Aries and Cancer: This is a joke. What attracted Aries to the Cancer was their submissive nature. Little does the Aries know, the Cancer will not bow down forever. A Cancer is known to put up with shit, but not take crap. Since Aries is ruled by fire, and Cancer is ruled by water, the Crab will do a fine job putting out the Ram’s flames.

Aries and Leo: You’ve met your soulmate. You both have big egos and are equally horny. Aries will just have to learn how to stroke the Leo’s ego a bit, and the Leo has to make sure he or she isn’t too dominating. Other than that, knock yourselves out kids.

Aries and Virgo: You are too much for the Virgo to handle. While you both have the same ideas about money and stability, your sex life is bound to be hell. Virgos are too conservative for you. This will not last a month.

Aries and Libra: You will no doubt have great conversations and a lasting friendship, but all goes to hell when you reach the bedroom. Libra’s like to have an elaborate performance before they mate, but you, Aries, like to charge your lover like a hungry lion. You will never marry a Libra.

Aries and Scorpio: This will be interesting indeed. You will spend alot of time arguing with a Scorpio, and you will almost never win, pathetic Aries. The anger of a Scorpio is not to be reckoned with, and since you thrive on competion and being the best, you will never shut the hell up till your Scorpio lover surrenders. The bedroom will be fun, but since you lack passion you will not go very far with a Scorpio.

Aries and Sagittarius: You are intelligent and direct. Sagittarians are clumsy and stupid. This will not agree with you Aries, since you like to have to have mental stimulation when in a relationship. Your sex life will be the glue that keeps you together.

Aries and Capricorn: This will not be good. You are both bossy and aggressive, so you have some tough competition Aries. There will be little to complain about in the bedroom, but as a couple you two are a nightmare.

Aries and Aquarius: Another good match for you, Aries. Since Aquarius are airheads like Libras, they will be easy to control to your liking. Your sex life will be incredible. You should marry an Aquarius, because nobody else is gonna do it.

Aries and Pisces: At first, you look at a Pisces like an attraction in the Zoo. You are so impressed with their imagination and willingness to explore. You have the power to draw out their innermost sexual fantasies. To my own shock, this has alot of relationship and even marriage potential.

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