Monday, July 5, 2010

Taurus Compatibility

Taurus and Aries: You came here to see if I would say anything different about you two, didn't you? Whether you like it or not, this union was doomed before you started to think about it. You'll always find something to disagree about, and you two will never get along. This match is completely hopeless.

Taurus and Taurus: Boring. All you'll do is talk, eat, and get fat. This relationship will feel like you are dating a cousin. Weird.

Taurus and Gemini: Your physical attraction is the only glue to this relationship. While both you and the Gemini seek adventure, at the end of the day you want a solid, stable partner. The Gemini's fickleness, knack for quickies, and always wanting to be on the go, will irritate you and eventually turn you into the cheating asshole that you are.

Taurus and Cancer: You will dislike eachother at first, but will come to realize you are the male and female version of eachother. The Cancer will give you exactly what you need: good food, great sex, comfortable home and complete devotion. Your sturdiness will curb his/her mood swings, and their ability to know you're every wish before your command will have you both heading for the alter. You both disgust me.

Taurus and Leo: Your Leo lover will no doubt drive you bat-shit, but that is what you love about them: their lives are always full of drama, something you cannot live without. Your challenge is that you are both equally vain, and demand attention from eachother. However, because you are both so stubborn neither of you will cave, and this relationship turns into an eternal bout of the cat chasing the mouse. All in all, not a bad match. They based the War of the Roses on you two.

Taurus and Virgo: A pretty easy match. You both are solid and stable, even though you will have to spend alot of time convincing Virgo to stop trying to be so perfect. You'll have their complete fidelity, which is one of the most important things to you. Overall a boring and normal relationship *yawn*

Taurus and Libra: You will appreciate Libra's vanity, and appreciation towards the arts. However, like the Gemini, they tend to have ants in their pants and you will always have to find new and creative ways to entertain your Libra. In addition, you will have permanent face-palm marks on your face due to their inability to make up their mind.

Taurus and Scorpio: The only good thing about this union is the sex, which will only be temporary. All you do is argue, because you are both strong-willed and stubborn about your beliefs. Your Scorpion's inability to let you in, and your constant hunger for attention will eventually detonate the relationship.

Taurus and Sagittarius: I would pay money to see you two attempt a relationship. It will be better than Pay-Per-View. You are organized, disciplined and responsible, while the clumsy and stupid Archer is the complete opposite. Your Sagi will be impressed by how smart you are and will probably emulate your style, since they don't have a mind of their own. You will find them entertaining the same way a King is amused by his court jester.

Taurus and Capricorn: This is a good match. You are both equally boring and dull. The Capi will bring the angry Taurus into a calmer state. These two will most likely remain friends if a relationship doesn't work.

Taurus and Aquarius: The Bull cannot stand the fickle Aquarius, but they will find an equally chatty partner should they decide to date the crackhead that is the Water Bearer. Not a bad match by any means, but the Aquarian may run for the hills if you demand too much attention.

Taurus and Pisces: This is perhaps the closest you will get to a perfect match. However this has the best chance of working if the Taurus is a male. The female Bull will eat the male Pisceian for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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